Well, I guess Acta is ALWAYS going to be here - he's just still in the "expecting" stage instead of the "here" stage. :)
Today was the big tourney in Bassett - which is darn near South Dakota. Because there were only 9 girls that could go (one had to go to a birthday party, so was unable to go along.....I don't ask questions anymore.......), we took a van.....and I drove.
Once we got going, we had to stop 9 miles into the trip because three people ALREADY had to go to the bathroom......and this was the last town before we reached Bassett....which was another 60 or so miles north. I told them to grab some extra toilet paper, because the next time would be on the side of the road with an audience......no one had to go after that. :)
I guess I get a kick out of teenage girls - they had their cell phones and were calling into a radio station that was taking requests......unfortunately, it was "80's flashback" so they didn't have too many songs they knew of to request. Lucky for them, I am an 80's fan, so I was able to offer a few suggestions. :) A couple of them even made it onto the radio, which made their day!
Once we were out of cell phone range, and the radio station was coming in fuzzy, the girls announced that last night at the football game they all figured out what they would do in case I went into labor IN THE VAN. (Obviously, they know nothing about labor - but I did admire their planning and creativeness!)
The girl who is the oldest decided that she would drive - because she's the closest one to getting a learner's permit. Another two would be on cell phones, one to the hospital so they could get "turn by turn" directions, and the other would be talking to Andy, so that he could be a part of the baby's birth. One would be the "lookout" person, so that they could watch for any oncoming traffic, and to see if any police officers were around (because the driver would be blind??? Again, I don't ask questions anymore......) Another girl would be there to hold my hair back (am I going to be vomiting??), and yet another would be the one "to catch him as he comes out" (because they just come FLYING out of there like a football - we wouldn't want him shooting out the window or anything!) Yet another is the "cut the cord" girl, while the other two are there to hold my hands and help me to remember "hee, hee, hoo" as I breathe. One girl even said (I AM quoting her here), "I know all about this having a baby thing - I watched it once on TLC."
Yes, I was laughing as they told me all of this, partly at how blissfully unaware they are about the entire childbirth process - and the other part of me was laughing because I can only imagine the story on the news - and the look on all of their faces if the event were actually TO happen while we were on the road...it made me smile.
Once we got to the tourney, we played well for our first game. The girls all came together, and while it wasn't a perfect game, we won. Our next game we lost in 3 sets, it was a close one but our serving was just terrible. Our third game also went to three sets, and the third set was back and forth - the final score was 21-19, when usually it's over at 15. They hung in there, never gave up, and gave the other team a run for their money. We ended up getting third place medals, so I was glad that the girls would have something to show off to everyone else at school. (They all decided that they were going to wear them on Monday) All of them (except one) had family there, so I was glad that they played well for their folks. Andy and Alex came up for most of the day, but left before our third game because Alex NEEDED to get his nap in (it was already 2:30).
So, I didn't get to see my boys much today, but tomorrow is going to be all about family. We need to go to Grand Island to get a couple of things, but we haven't decided if it's going to be tomorrow or next weekend. We'll see how we're feeling in the morning......
So, I am sad that the volleyball season is over, but glad that we ended playing well. Now I can cross one more thing off of my list of things to do before Acta gets here. The only things left on "the list" are to finish packing (I have the list done, I just have to physically get everything into the suitcase), and to do my External Review at Ansley on Wednesday. THEN I can have a baby. :) (I do have a Dr. appt. on Monday, too).
The time's almost here......I can hardly believe it!
Clue #4 (for those of you that still haven't got it....)
If that doesn't give it away, I don't know what will. :)