Alex has developed this new "habit" of putting his foot up on the table as he eats.....I'm thrilled...
Alex trying to lick the last little bit of sauce off of his chin. (It didn't work.....) ;)
When we were in Lincoln for the 4th, we stopped and had lunch at Famous Dave's. Alex NEEDED a clothing change after his lunch, so we used the back of the car. Look at his pose - future model?!!?!?! :)
Alex playing in the new bathtub - notice the "Dennis the Menace" hair in the back - - and how the winkie is carefully concealed!! :)
And now to more recent pictures. Andy's company had their annual family picnic on Friday night. They rented out the local bowling alley, had food catered in, and we had a great time. Here's a shot of Alex contemplating running down the lane (Yes, he did make it down at least twice - Andy chased him once, I did the other time......very awkward!!) He also managed to pull a 12-pound ball off of the rack, narrowly missing those bare toes - we both gasped!!
We went for a walk with Kyle, Amy and Micah on Saturday night. The bugs weren't too bad, so we headed over to the Little Park. I think that Kyle and Amy had more fun than Alex did....Micah was asleep in the stroller the entire time.
Alex tries out the teeter-totter.
Kyle (painfully) shows Alex how to ride the animals.
Daddy gets in on the fun, while Alex carefully watches.
Finally a toy Alex loves - the slide!! :)
A group photo before they had to leave (I'm amazed both boys sat through the self-timer thing on the camera!!) :)
Long story that I am trying to make short - I bought some Golden Grahams for breakfasts, and saw the recipe for the Smore bars on the back. My mom used to make these all the time, and I haven't had them in forever - so I have spent the past few days craving them. Today I broke down and finally made them - and you can see that I did have to taste them!! :)
That's it!! Phew! :) Hope you enjoyed all of the pictures, and I hope that I explained all of them well enough so you know what's going on. :) Baseball tourney starts this week, so life remains hectic. School is creeping ever so closely - where is my summer??!!!?!?
1 comment:
Finally got a chance here in Mongolia to catch up with some internet service, and loved seeing the blog again. I bet you are seeing a new game every day now!
Our blog is up to date, so if you get a chance check it out.
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