Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dr. Appt's and Pictures

Hello all - I'm back for tonight anyways. :)

Here are the pictures Andy was talking about when he said that Alex was helping him out with the spreader. It didn't last long, as you can see. Alex loves the rocks that line our home, and every time he was near them, he had to stop and look at them! (And bring one or two over to me!)

We both had our doctor visits today - my 12 week (end of the first trimester - yay!) and Alex's 18-month checkup (and shots - boo!). Dr. Julie decided to try to listen and find baby's heartbeat first. At my 8-week checkup, we weren't able to find it - which is pretty normal - but today Acta was right by my hip and was beating loudly for all to hear! Andy wasn't off of work yet, and Alex was a little stressed out being in the Dr.'s office, so he sat on my upper belly and watched Dr. Julie as she found Acta. He was very well-behaved, what else should I expect?!!?? Then it was on to Alex's appointment. I told her that I was a little concerned, because he has a persistent cough (especially if he gets upset - he almost can't catch his breath he's coughing so hard), and his nose is CONSTANTLY running. It's always clear, so I haven't been concerned, but this is beginning to be an ongoing thing. I don't know if kids this age have seasonal allergies or not, so I asked her about it. She began to check him out, and listened to his lungs, took his pulse, listened to his heart, all of the good stuff. Then on to the ears.......that's where it didn't come out so good. She looked in the first one and said, "Eeeewwwww." Then she looked in the other one and said, "Double Eeeeewwww." Rats - MORE issues with the ears! He hasn't been running a temp, and hasn't been overly cranky, so she wants to wait this one out. However, if he begins running a temp, we are to call her and she will prescribe something. We talked quite a bit about how ear infections are becoming a recurring issue, and what she thought needed to be done about it. She wants to wait until May/June, because at about 20 months, the ear canal begins to slant quite a bit, therefore alleviating most ear infection issues. If they are still continuing this summer, then tubes may be a very valid option. She isn't concerned about his hearing, or his language, which relieved me quite a bit. I guess I have just seen to many kids in school that are so far behind because of hearing issues - I wanted to take care of the problem before it got "that bad". His vocabulary is around 25 words, which is a little above for his age, and he understands language very well. She did a few activities with him, and he did exactly what she asked. SO, my worries are gone - for now. :)

When Daddy came to the clinic, Dr. Julie wanted him to hear Acta. We were worried that he/she had moved, but they were still in the same place - so Andy was able to hear. There was only ONE heartbeat, so now hopefully that nighttime dream will disappear. (I can't imagine having two at the same time!!)

Then, tonight, as we were getting Alex ready for bed, and had just put his diaper on, he began to play with his humidifier. He is just fascinated by this - we can't understand why. We'll walk into his room midday and it will be on - - silly guy! He decided that he wanted to dance, which is just too cute!

So, for your viewing pleasure - "somewhat naked" Alex, dancing......(by the humidifier)

And that is the reason why I am not too concerned about his ears - for now anyway. After all, it's my job to worry. :)

1 comment:

davefrank said...

There is so much good news to be thankful for, miracle after miracle.
