It was 65 when we got home, and we decided to dust off the bikes and go for a ride. We were finally able to find someplace that sold toddler helmets (Wal-Mart only has 3 years and older), so we were finally able to go for a ride. Alex was good with the seat and being strapped in, but once the helmet went on - we had issues.
He was crying so loud that the neighbor across the street (who was reading on her porch) asked if everything was okay......yeah, just a cranky baby! Once we got going, he settled down a little bit, but would still whimper every few blocks or so.
Here's a picture of the "happy" man - - (we tried a cork to muffle the screaming)
And a picture of us riding together! (It was a little odd riding with extra-shifting weight on there - I had always been used to riding by myself and adjusting for only me - it takes a little bit of practice having someone else on the bike with you!!)
Julie, our childcare lady, sent home this picture today. I don't know when she took it, but it's a crawling-days one. (The date on the back says 8/26/07) I don't know where that outfit came from, but I can't imagine the dark hair and chubby baby in that one!
Speaking of baby - -

1 comment:
Three part comment to your three part post:
Part 1: I cannot wait to start riding my bike again! I have a bike trailer for the back of my bike. Natalie will be too small for it for a long time, but Nate can always watch her while Steven and I go for a ride!
Part 2: WOW!! It's amazing how much toddlers slim down when they start walking. I mean, Alex was never a chunk, but he's so much more lithe now! What a cutie, as always!
Part 3: AHHHH!!!! You can't do this to a hormonal pregnant lady!! I started to cry when I saw your last picture. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Okay, now you have to give details... How far along are you? When are you due? How far apart will Alex and new bean be?
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