Well, Friday after work we headed to Lincoln. We met up with my parents and grandparents, and stayed up WAY past bedtime (it was okay, because Alex slept in the car on the way there).
Saturday we went to my cousin Elijah's 7th Birthday party. Alex seemed mesmerized by watching his relatives run back and forth. He tried to keep up, but his little legs just couldn't keep up! He had PLENTY of other attention, though! After the party we all went out to supper, and everyone was amazed at how much Alex ate! (For a little man, he sure can eat a LOT of food! He's a growing boy!) Then we had to say goodbye to my parents - Dad had to be at church Sunday morning. It was good to see them for a little while. :)
Sunday morning was church - and we went to Grandma and Grandpa's church. It was pretty crowded, and Alex had to sit on a lap, so he didn't last too long. So Alex and I spent most of the service pacing the halls and flirting (he flirted, not me) with passersby. After church we went out for brunch, and Alex ate even more - pancakes this time - his FAVORITE!!! :) We went back to Grandpa and Grandma's house - where this happened:

Grandpa was showing Alex the space heater (don't worry - it wasn't hot), and Alex and Grandpa were "beeping" each other's noses. Pretty cute!
That afternoon, I had a baby shower to attend for Amy Royuk, a college friend - while the boys had a "Guys Baby Shower" back at their house (Kyle was Andy's roommate for a couple of years). When Alex arrived, he was the "party pooper" - literally!!

Here's a picture of the "Guys Shower" - Tim is on the left, Andy and Alex in the middle, and Kyle on the right.

We didn't leave Lincoln until late in the afternoon - but it was so nice to sit and visit and catch up. Because we live so far away, we don't get to see them much....it was good to talk for a while - but the time flew by WAY too quickly - as usual!
On to Monday - volleyball day! We had a game last night, and WON! Our record now is 2-2. We were to play another team, but they couldn't make it. So we might be 3-2, I don't know.... Anyway, here's a shot of the little man on the way to the game....
Mmmmmm, zipper!
And then, not more than two minutes later, OUT!
And then today.....
We were to have Alex's 15-month checkup and shots....BUT (here's the STINKY part!!!) We got all checked in, took height (31 1/2 inches), weight (24 pounds), temp (normal), pulse (we were screaming - so they couldn't do this), and head measurement (I don't remember this one - sorry!). Then Dr. Julie came in, checked in his ears........and problems.....
Alex's ear infection looked WORSE than two weeks ago when we were in there!!! He finished all of his antibiotic on Saturday, and seemed to be doing fine - no temp, not pulling at his ears, eating and sleeping well. I guess he covers well, because Dr. Julie said that BOTH ear canals were BRIGHT red and looked like there was puss in both. She also said that there was "no light" (I don't know what that means - no reflection??) but I am guessing that it was a bad thing. She decided to give him a shot, since he had already been through one round of pretty strong antibiotics, and wants us to come back in one week. In the meantime, she suggested we keep our humidifier going to encourage drainage for his sinuses, vacuum frequently to collect the cat hair (in case that's aggravating it), not to wear any perfume or scented lotions, not to burn any scented candles, and to avoid second-hand smoke (which happens already - I can't think of anyone that Alex comes into contact with that smokes). SO.....please pray that the little man's ears heal - I feel so bad that he's in pain and doesn't show it at all! I guess it's good that he has a high pain tolerance, but I also wonder if his hearing is becoming affected by all of this. I don't think that he's delayed speech-wise, but I know that this is a definite possibility. So prayers, please.
Now you're all caught up - whew! That took a while. I'll try to stay on top of it, so that the posts are much smaller next time! :)
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