We traveled to Blue Springs, Missouri to spend a Christmas weekend with my family. Everyone was there - my two sisters -Elizabeth and Sarah - and Elly's husband, Neil, and their son, Noah and their BIG dog, Bob; my parents and my grandparents. It was a FULL house, but we had a great time!
Here is Great-Grandpa Frank swinging Alex while we opened gifts.....(Yes, he still thinks that he is 18).... :)

Alex had a great time playing with Noah - although they are 5 months apart - they are practically the same size! We determined (by passing babies back and forth) that Alex still has a couple of ounces on Noah, and is just a shade taller than him. We figure that this will be the last time that Alex is bigger than Noah - "tall" genetics aren't in Alex's favor, and they ARE in Noah's. (Neil is about 6'5'', Elly is about 5'8'')
Here are a couple shots of the boys playing together......

It was so funny, because when Alex and Noah would see the toy that the other was playing with, they would basically exchange toys - taking what the other had, and giving up what they had been playing with. It will be fun to watch the boys grow up together!
Here's a shot of Uncle Neil reading a book to Alexander (imagine that, Alex wanting to read a book?!?!?!!!)

Aunt Elly decided to make a "fort" in the middle of the living room - with all of the empty boxes and a chair. You had to crawl under the chair in order to enter the fort.....Alex really enjoyed crawling under, and KNOCKING the boxes down!! :)

We had an awesome holiday season - we already know we are truly blessed, but it is such a nice reminder during this time of year to spend time with family and reconnect, and appreciate just how much we are loved, and how much we love our families.
Have a Blessed New Year, everyone! We pray that your 2008 will be happy, healthy, and full of fun! :)
1 comment:
Thanks for such a good time and great Christmas memories!
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