Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Sorry it's been so long folks - -

I've been sick the past week or so, and think that I have the worst behind me now. I missed school last week and went to the doctor - bronchitis. I've taken most of the antibiotics, so am on the mend.

Andy hurt his foot (LONG story) and thinks that he may have a toe broken on his foot - so he's been hobbling around...but, he too, is feeling better.

Alex has been just wonderful! He hasn't come down with anything, and has just been his adorable self the past week. I'm sorry that I don't have any pictures, the camera batteries died and I just didn't have the energy to change them (I know, it's real "labor-intensive" - - )

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some pictures for you - until then, just know that we are all fine. :)

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