As I sit here and watch my boys play (all three of them, together)...I am so very thankful for them. Especially working in a school, I get to see all types of families...and how the actions of the parents are so directly connected to their children. Some positive, and unfortunately, some that make us wonder why they even had children in the first place.
I don't think that I am the only parent who takes the comments that others make about my kids to heart. Often I find myself thinking, "Did she/he really mean it that way?" "Am I making this out to be more than it was meant to be?" "What did she/he mean when they said that?" Luckily, I have learned to keep the thoughts to myself, but it still keeps me thinking. For example, this morning, as I dropped the boys off at childcare, Julie was commenting how sensitive Zach is. After my drive to work (and quite a bit of time to think), I believe that she was just stating that Zach tends to wear his heart on his sleeve - especially right now. His expression tells his world. His eyes truly are the window into his soul.
Then this afternoon another person commented, "I just love how expressive Alex is becoming with his language. He used to be so quiet." I am certain that she meant it as a compliment...but it got me thinking....Alex has been quiet? Now, being in a school, I know that kids are different at school then they are at home...but still?!? I guess I thought that Alex has always been able to express himself quite well. Maybe I just need to quit thinking.
Updates on all of us:
Zach - all 27 pounds of him! He's figured out that he can take his brother on if he catches him off guard. He's become quite the comedian, he'll do anything for a laugh. If he can have you laugh once, you can guarantee he'll continue as long as the laughs keep coming. He's also developed a bit of his "sense of self".....last Wednesday (St. Patty's Day), we were all at Daddy's work for an Open House they host every year. Zach was playing with one of the rubber balls, and it rolled across the room of people. He went over to get it, accidentally kicked it a little further, reached down to try and grab it before it got too far, but was unsuccessful and the ball rolled all the way away. Zach slowly lowered himself to the floor, face first, waited about 5 seconds, then began to cry. It was quite funny for all of us (he was the entertainment - you remember that I said he'd do anything for a laugh?)...but I felt bad that his little ego was just a tad bruised. Speaking of bruises...Sunday we were all out back cleaning up the yard and enjoying the beautiful weather. Zach was out in the yard with us, but soon discovered the steps that lead up to the house. He enjoyed going up and down the steps time and time again. I was quite cautious the first dozen or so times, then thought, "He's got the hang of it...he'll be ok." Not more than a minute after that, I hear him scream. I turn around to see him face first on the bottom stair. He scraped up his forehead quite well. It doesn't seem to bother him too much, but it hurts me just a little every time that I see it.
Alex - all 33 pounds of him! Easily able to outrun his brother, if he sees him coming. Alex's latest love is "Cars". He's still a Thomas fan, but seems to really be in to the racing, the tires, the gas, and "go faster!!" He likes it when Mommy and Daddy race home from work, and seems to notice everything about cars. Just tonight as I was fueling up the "blue car" for work tomorrow, he commented, "No tires, just gas!" (That's a line from the movie, in case you haven't watched it.) Given his choice of meals right now, it will either be Spiderman Mac 'n Cheese (I still don't know where he learned about Spiderman) or Cars Spaghetti O's. He's into puzzles, books, and loves to play games. We went to the Kids' Fair this past Saturday and one of the banks had a matching game that Alex played. He really loved it, so we have been playing lots of "Memory" games here at home. He notices everything, which can be a good or bad thing. He knows all of his letters, shapes, can count to 14 by himself, and has had so many moments that bring tears to my eyes and make me think, "I am SO proud to be his Mommy!" He's growing up so quickly, I can't believe that school is not that far off! Scary to think about. He's completely potty-trained (has been for a while, just can't remember if I have shared that on here or not) of his gross "quirks" is to announce to anyone who's around exactly what letter shape his poop was. (He's learning, right?) He's so ready to be outside - he was in his glory on Sunday when we were out. Hopefully this weather makes up it's mind soon so he can be out all he wants.
Both boys are in love with books...which thrills me to no end! Zach has just figured out that the way to get Andy or I immediately is to walk up to one of us with a book. We drop whatever it is and read to him. Alex has rediscovered some of his favorites from a few years ago (Pajama Time, Red Hat, Green Hat), and has a couple he can read by himself.
Andy is staying busy with work. He was promoted to "District Manager" a couple of months ago, which means that he's had a few early morning calls when someone is ill or can't come into work that day. He seems to be the "go to" man when they need help covering hospital, nursing home, clinic, etc. in Broken Bow. I am glad that he's so trusted within the company. He does a great job, and I am so proud of him and all that's he's accomplished so far. He's the only "non-partner" of the company that they have started a clinic for, and he's built a solid practice. He's gearing up to umpire more games again this year, so the boys will love being spoiled at the ballpark. :)
Both Andy and I have made a very conscious effort to lose some of the weight we've been carrying around for far too long. We've each lost about 30 pounds, which we are thrilled with. I just wish that the weight came off faster, and that it would be in the places I'd like it to come off! (For example....I have lost 1/2 shoe size! I'd rather lose it in my tummy, hips, etc....but my FEET! Come on!!)
Well, that's the update from here. I need to get these boys bathed and ready for bed, then have some classes I need to work on. Thank you all for your patience in the delay between is just so busy! We love you all!!
Here's a picture of the boys that I took yesterday while we were enjoying the sun! Andy was grilling burgers, and we got the swings out. It was wonderful to get some fresh air!! (I am sorry, that's the only picture that I have...)