Now, on to the pictures.
Andy's parents came out the first weekend in February. While they were here, the boys decided to show off their tent 'n tunnel.
Zach, eying the entrance/exit of the tunnel.
The next weekend, the four of us met Le, Sarah, Elly, and Christine's aunts and cousins in Omaha for a "Girl's day out". While the girls did whatever girls do when their men aren't around, the boys and I did fun things. Omaha Children's Museum, then The Amazing Pizza Machine (think Chuck E. Cheese on steroids), followed by Alex's request for the day (Target, Sam's Club, and Wal Mart). On Sunday, we headed home and made unplanned stops in Lincoln (to see Christine's grandparents) and Seward (to see Kyle and Amy, a couple of very good college friends) thanks to the weather. Our usual three and a half hour drive took ten hours, but we made it home. After searching the town for our missing dog (didn't find him, but he came home on his own sometime during the night) we all slept really well. Now, more pictures.
Zach, sleeping before any of the action on Saturday.
Playing in the gravel pit at the Children's Museum.

There are your pictures folks. Have a good week.