Are you confused? If you had a Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit, that might make sense...otherwise, watch the following video. Alex has discovered the Wii Fit, and loves playing the soccer game on it. The goal of the game is to hit all the soccer balls with your head, but to avoid the shoes and panda heads (yeah, that last part sounds a little weird, but Alex laughs hysterically every time). Also, watch Zach shake his head vigorously throughout the video. Priceless. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Central NE Hailstorm
Tonight we had quite the storm pass through - - we are all fine, but the cars may be just a tad dented (no broken glass, so all is well). :)
Looking up our street (notice all of the pinecones and bits of tree in the driveway)
Our yard - littered with the "white stuff"
A few of the hailstones....
Alex was afraid (even though he's not showing it in this picture) to come outside, even after the storm had cleared. Eventually, he came out and enjoyed throwing ice into the street (as long as there were no cars coming).
Our TV is knocked out for a while (the satellite just can't get reception because the clouds are to the south....anyway), so we are on the Wii. We have a funny video of Alex playing the "soccer ball heading" game, which he saw me doing and giggled we have a video of him watching me do it, and then he himself doing it. Hopefully we'll post again tonight (or tomorrow). :)
Looking up our street (notice all of the pinecones and bits of tree in the driveway)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Boys, Boys, Boys!!
The other day for nap time - as I checked on both boys - I found that they were sleeping in almost the same position....AND both had to have their faces buried in "stuff"....crazy how these two are so much alike! :)

This past Sunday we put some "bases" down for Alex to run to after he hit the ball....he knew "first base", "second base", "third base", and "home". Monday night, when we were outside playing again, Alex ran around the yard (backwards - towards third base instead of first...) AND combined a couple of the base names. As he rounded the oval (his pattern was not a diamond...), he seemed to combine "first" and "second" - - which made for a pretty amusing phrase. :) Let's see what you think he says..... :)
Last week, as Alex was finishing up his supper, and Zach was trying to eat his, the boys had a "yelling" match.....Andy and I were trying to figure out if we only run the "Nut House" or if we live in it. :)
The other night, while Zach was figuring out everything that he could get into, he found a cute little noisemaker.... :)
Look familiar?? Same doorstop, different bathroom (since we remodeled last year...) :)
Alex's Doorstop (it's the last video on that post)
Zach helped me fold laundry one day - and then he pulled himself up on the basket and proceeded to push it all over the place! It was pretty amusing to watch his little "Elvis hips" go as he figured out how to move each foot and get around. Who knows - maybe he'll follow his brother and be an early walker! :)
This past Sunday we put some "bases" down for Alex to run to after he hit the ball....he knew "first base", "second base", "third base", and "home". Monday night, when we were outside playing again, Alex ran around the yard (backwards - towards third base instead of first...) AND combined a couple of the base names. As he rounded the oval (his pattern was not a diamond...), he seemed to combine "first" and "second" - - which made for a pretty amusing phrase. :) Let's see what you think he says..... :)
To us, it sounded like, "fricken' base" :)
That's it! Enjoy! I don't know when our next post will be, we have a pretty busy next couple of weeks (WHERE has my summer gone?!?!)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
That's an "oldies"song....right? :) I don't know who sings it, but I am thankful that they did otherwise I wouldn't know what to title this post. :)
Yes, there are a-changes in our house......ZACH'S CRAWLING! Yep, backwards (which he's had for a while now) AND FORWARDS!! He was able to put steps A-B-C-and-D together today, so now on to re-babyproofing the house. :) Fortunately, Alex is quite the megaphone around the house, telling me exactly what's going on at all times (which can get quite old after a while...."Mommy, Zachy fell over"...."Mommy, Zachy spilled (spit up)"......"Mommy, I gave Zach a toy"...."Mommy, Zach's stinky"......etc, etc. So, if I need to get something done, I can count on my eternal eye to keep me informed in case Zach finds something I haven't taken care of yet.
We have a video of the boys......enjoy! :)
And the other night Alex was taunting the cat...from the safety of the laundry basket (with his breakfast milk in tow) was hilarious!!

So that's it from here!
Oh yeah - one more thing....we had family pictures taken the first part of the month, and have them posted on my Facebook page. If you'd like to take a look at them, here's the link:
If anyone wants any of the prints, let us know and we can find a way to get them to you. (If you're on Facebook - let me know!) :)
Yes, there are a-changes in our house......ZACH'S CRAWLING! Yep, backwards (which he's had for a while now) AND FORWARDS!! He was able to put steps A-B-C-and-D together today, so now on to re-babyproofing the house. :) Fortunately, Alex is quite the megaphone around the house, telling me exactly what's going on at all times (which can get quite old after a while...."Mommy, Zachy fell over"...."Mommy, Zachy spilled (spit up)"......"Mommy, I gave Zach a toy"...."Mommy, Zach's stinky"......etc, etc. So, if I need to get something done, I can count on my eternal eye to keep me informed in case Zach finds something I haven't taken care of yet.
We have a video of the boys......enjoy! :)
And the other night Alex was taunting the cat...from the safety of the laundry basket (with his breakfast milk in tow) was hilarious!!
So that's it from here!
Oh yeah - one more thing....we had family pictures taken the first part of the month, and have them posted on my Facebook page. If you'd like to take a look at them, here's the link:
If anyone wants any of the prints, let us know and we can find a way to get them to you. (If you're on Facebook - let me know!) :)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
Here are a couple of shots from our own little fireworks display out front - which consisted of the snappers, because Alex is scared of EVERYTHING else....(really, everything. Grandpa Dave bought some others while they were out here - a sparkler thing, smoke balls, a train, and sparklers. Alex stood indoors and BALLED while the rest of us enjoyed them.)

Here's Zach's first 4th.
And Alex doing his snappers. Throw them.....
SCREAM when they pop.....
And then smile for the camera. :)
Hope everyone had a good 4th!
The Backyard!!
Here is the long-awaited backyard project - finally completed! :)
And our newest addition - the sandbox! Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Bowin for the fence and all of their help putting it up, and thanks to Grandpa Dave for the sandbox - - the boys will love them for years to come!!
And our newest addition - the sandbox! Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Bowin for the fence and all of their help putting it up, and thanks to Grandpa Dave for the sandbox - - the boys will love them for years to come!!
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