Hello all!
We have a couple of videos for you, as well as a picture.....so short post, but it's well worth it!!
First of all -- I am a fan of "Dancing with the Stars" and was watching it the other night after we had given the boys a bath. Alex likes to run around the house naked for a while, but what he did next was just hysterical! Luckily enough, we were able to get him to do it a few more times while we got the camera ready. Please sheild your eyes from the nudity.....I can't figure out how to sensor videos! :) Prepare to laugh!! :)
Do you think that we should submit that to America's Funniest Home Videos?? Let us know!!
This next one is a Daddy invented game....so there's a lot of creativity! Things that I would NEVER imagine doing with my boys...he does it and they love it! Tonight was especially fun because the boys had very little "Daddy time" for the past 24 hours....so they really ate it up tonight. (Last night Andy umpired two TBS games, and didn't get home until almost 11 when the boys were already asleep...and he left this morning at 7.....before the boys got up. PLUS he didn't make it home for lunch today because he was making a presentation at his company over the lunch hour! They MISSED him!!!) Also on this video is Alex running around in underwear!!! I am not even going to imagine that this is for real this time....but he went potty at least 5 times ON HIS OWN tonight...so it's a very small start! He's pretty excited about his Elmo and Thomas the Train underwear....so we may get somewhere...but I'm not going to hold my breath just yet. :) Anyway....on to the funny video.......
And our picture.....Zach doing the "sprinkler" (For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a dance move)......
Hope you all have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend! We're off to Colorado! :) (And when we return we should have a front deck!!!) :) :) :) :)