Thursday, January 29, 2009
2 days left!
Only 2 days left in January, and I haven't hit a deer yet! (For those who need the "back story" - the past TWO years I have hit a deer in January. In 2007 it was in the Trailblazer, on our way to Colorado. 2008 it was in the Sunfire on my way to work....)
Say a little prayer for me!! :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
3 months!
Here's a shot of the "month-day" he got some tummy-time for the night. (I think he's going to be a thumb-sucker.....) :)

Now toss it up into the air and open your mouth WIDE.....(I especially like the look of skepticism on Alex's if to say, "Yeah, right, you're really going to catch that in your mouth...")
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A semi-toothy, red-eyed smile from Alex.
Alex looking absolutely thrilled in his snow-suit, boots, and daddy's hat.
All bundled up and ready to go. The snow-suit reminded Christine of Ralphie's little brother in "A Christmas Story". Every time Alex would fall down, daddy would have to help him back up.
This is how you make a snow angel. I get it.
Daddy trying to make Alex snow angel. He did not like it.
Watching snow fall.
Next, Alex got to experience the sled.
Faster daddy, faster!
Where did my daddy go?
There he is.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Back and Better Than Ever
Alex sitting in the Bumbo seat to the left, Zach asleep on the couch to the right.
Alex in the Bumbo.
Zach asleep on the couch.
Zach, after having wrestled the Bumbo away from Alex. Happy Zach in his car seat.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Colorado Christmas Weekend
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 enters with a BANG!
Zach's had a rough day, too.....he's really congested and hasn't been eating well. He will swallow a time or two, then SCREAM.....and have tears coming out of his eyes. We've been giving him tylenol, too, just because he appears to be in so much pain. He's not running a temp (thankfully), but we just don't know what's wrong. He's been especially fussy the last two days, and then today he has been having trouble eating. (Added later: Zach just finished a 5-ounce bottle in one sitting! Yea!) If it's not getting better by early tomorrow morning, I am calling the doctor, because he really has me worried.......
So please keep both of the boys in your prayers. Thanks!!
We're hoping for a far less eventful second day of 2009. :)