Aunt Sarah left today (boo-hoo), but Grandma and Grandpa Bowin are out here for the weekend visiting. We started out bright and early this morning, and caught a picture of Dad and Alexander having a little bit of fun together (they ALWAYS have fun together - I just never seem to get it all on camera!) Here they are at Kohl's - one of my FAVORITE stores!! (I have to keep my Mom in business!!!) :)

After our visit to Kohl's, we decided we needed to get some ice cream. Good thing that there was a Cold Stone across the parking lot. I've been getting a lot of grief, from what seems like everyone, that Alexander hasn't had much "big people" food yet - so he tried a little bit of ice cream! He wasn't too sure about it at first, but he did take a few bites. (This is Grandpa Bowin holding Alex while I fed him a little bite)

After the ice cream, we were on our way back home. Alex was EXHAUSTED!!! He slept all the way home....such a tired boy!